agINFRA: A data infrastructure to support agricultural scientific communities Promoting data sharing and development of trust in agricultural sciences
European Commission, FP7 – Research Infrastructures project

The aim of the Networking Activities from the agINFRA project is to foster a culture of cooperation between the agricultural scientific communities benefiting from research infrastructures and help develop a more efficient and attractive European Research Area. The Networking Activities must support the collaboration between project partners, early set up a knowledge exchange, and a fruitful cooperation of all participants. Furthermore the activities will implement the necessary structures and mechanisms for establishing a high awareness among the addressed research communities, attracting large numbers of users, and creating an environment in which the project will be sustainable.

The wide range of audience of the agINFRA project comprises: Agricultural scientific communities, Museums, Agricultural Associations, Research Institutions, Centre’s and Foundations, Research Labs, Wider European and International audience, NGOs, International Organizations, Educational / Academic Institutions, Universities, Colleges, Learning and Training Centers, R&D/Technology Companies, European Commission, Specialist and National Media, International Conference Events Organisers, National and EU Policy-makers.

Activities and news related to the project: