SCL Seminar by Daniel Cocks

Scientific Computing Laboratory seminar will be held on Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 13:00 in the lecture hall Zvonko Maric of the Institute of Physics Belgrade. The talk entitled

"Transport of light particles in dense fluids: modelling localisation through mesoscopic fluctuation capture" 

will be given by Daniel Cocks (College of Science, Technology and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia).

Abstract of the talk:

While transport in dilute gases can be accurately modeled with the Boltzmann equation or Monte-Carlo sampling techniques, transport in dense fluids (i.e. liquids or dense gases) is usually considered with poor gas-like approximations which can differ by orders of magnitude. I will present a brief overview of our group's recent work into developing non-equilbrium kinetic theories, which include full time- and spatial-dependence and which are completely ab initio.

I will then outline a new method that describes the process of fluctuation capture, whereby light particles become trapped as quasi-particles in "bubbles" or "clusters" in the fluid (e.g. electron solvation). To our knowledge, this process has never before been treated quantitatively and in non-equilibrium in a kinetic theory. I will show how our general theory has the ability to predict a threshold behaviour at both low and high densities and which can be applied for any molecular species.